赤泥是铝土矿提取氧化铝过程中产生的一种盐碱化副产物[1]。全球每年产生赤泥 (1.2~1.5)×108 t,截至2020年,全球赤泥库存已达40×108 t[2]。尽管目前已有不少关于赤泥综合利用的尝试,如有价金属回收、开发建筑材料、环境修复等,但全球的赤泥利用率仍不足10%[3],这将导致大量的赤泥只能通过筑坝堆存[4]。由于赤泥具有高盐碱性、腐蚀性、浸出毒性等不良特性,其在堆存过程中易对周边水体、土壤、植被等造成严重破坏[5]。例如,赤泥中的碱性物质迁移至水体和土壤环境会对水生动物和植物产生毒性,从而抑制其正常生长甚至导致其死亡[6-7]。我国是全球最大的氧化铝生产和消费国[8],氧化铝生产过程中产生的大量赤泥堆存造成的环境安全问题已严重制约氧化铝工业的可持续发展[9]。因此,消除赤泥的潜在环境风险刻不容缓。
The synergistic remediation effects of amendment and vegetation on nutrient and microbial property in bauxite residue aggregates
摘要: 改良剂与植被联合修复是促进赤泥土壤化的关键,但其对赤泥团聚体中养分和微生物特性的影响尚不清晰。通过开展盆栽修复实验探究改良剂 (磷石膏、木醋液、鱼粪、菌渣) 与黑麦草联合修复对赤泥团聚体中养分、酶活性、微生物群落空间分异特征的影响。结果表明,在改良剂与植被联合修复赤泥后,大团聚体 (>0.25 mm) 和微团聚体 (<0.25 mm) 占比分别减少和增加。团聚体中有机质、养分质量分数、酶活性及微生物群落Alpha多样性指数显著增加 (P<0.05) ,且主要分布于<1 mm团聚体。此外,团聚体养分、酶活性、微生物群落间呈显著正相关 (P<0.05) 。本研究结果可为深入了解赤泥土壤化过程中养分迁移转化机理及修复植物的养分自维持机制提供参考。Abstract: The synergistic remediation of amendment and vegetation is the key to promote soil formation of bauxite residue; however, their effects on the nutrient and microbial properties of bauxite residue aggregates are still unclear. The synergistic remediation of amendments (phosphogypsum, wood vinegar, fish manure, and mushroom residue) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) on the spatial differentiation characteristics of nutrient, enzyme activity, and microbial community in the bauxite residue aggregates were investigated by conducting a pot experiment. The results showed that the proportion of macroaggregates (>0.25 mm) and microaggregates (<0.25 mm) reduced and increased in the amended and revegetated bauxite residue, respectively. The organic matter, nutrient, enzyme activity, and the alpha diversity indices of microbial community in the bauxite residue aggregates increased significantly (P<0.05) under the synergistic remediation of amendment and vegetation, which were mainly distributed in the aggregates with size of <1 mm. In addition, there was a significant positive correlation among the nutrient, enzyme activity, and microbial community in the bauxite residue aggregates (P<0.05). These results can provide a reference for in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of the migration and transformation of nutrient during soil formation of bauxite residue and the nutrient self-sustaining in plants.
表 1 赤泥与改良剂的理化性质
Table 1. Physicochemical properties of bauxite residue and amendments
供试材料 pH EC/(mS·cm−1) 全氮/(g·kg−1) 全磷/(g·kg−1) 有机质/(g·kg−1) 有效氮/(mg·kg−1) 有效磷/(mg·kg−1) 速效钾/(mg·kg−1) 赤泥 10.86 1.00 0.14 2.30 7.81 1.59 3.98 595 磷石膏 5.24 2.44 0.14 3.80 2.90 7.72 57.25 85.20 鱼粪 6.48 3.23 1.40 56.13 61.20 275.58 212.08 880.00 菌渣 4.66 5.48 1.40 3.80 55.30 310.99 648.15 6 206.00 表 2 赤泥团聚体细菌群落多样性和丰富度指数
Table 2. The diversity and richness indices of bacterial community in the aggregates of bauxite residue
处理组 粒径/mm 群落多样性 群落丰富度 Coverage Shannon Simpson Ace Chao1 R 1~2 0 0 0 0 0 0.5~1 0 0 0 0 0 0.25~0.5 0 0 0 0 0 <0.25 0 0 0 0 0 RA1 1~2 5.16±0.02Aa 0.017±0.001Ab 1192.54±2.26Ab 1185.54±3.35Aa 0.992 0.5~1 5.19±0.02Aa 0.017±0.001Bb 1270.14±4.60Aa 1285.13±3.92Aa 0.991 0.25~0.5 5.16±0.01Aa 0.018±0.000Ab 1258.79±1.63Ba 1255.87±5.54Ca 0.992 <0.25 5.15±0.02Aa 0.024±0.001Aa 1260.69±26.90Aa 1259.93±53.69Aa 0.992 RA2 1~2 5.15±0.03Aa 0.015±0.001Ab 1220.11±20.39Aa 1233.18±24.87Aa 0.992 0.5~1 5.07±0.03BCab 0.020±0.000ABb 1236.33±20.71Aa 1260.89±13.52Aa 0.992 0.25~0.5 5.17±0.04Aa 0.021±0.001Ab 1262.56±1.99Ba 1256.87±1.83Ca 0.992 <0.25 5.00±0.03Bb 0.038±0.004Aa 1254.81±6.80Aa 1278.07±10.05Aa 0.992 RA3 1~2 5.14±0.03Aab 0.017±0.000Ab 1229.62±13.07Ac 1271.45±50.85Aa 0.991 0.5~1 5.00±0.00Cb 0.025±0.003Aab 1247.35±33.04Abc 1300.47±41.87Aa 0.991 0.25~0.5 5.22±0.06Aa 0.020±0.002Aab 1339.93±12.02Aa 1375.23±12.93Aa 0.991 <0.25 5.05±0.06ABab 0.032±0.005Aa 1325.78±26.14Aab 1341.55±35.15Aa 0.991 RA4 1~2 5.17±0.03Aa 0.017±0.002Ab 1239.05±26.15Aa 1250.61±32.81Aa 0.992 0.5~1 5.14±0.04ABab 0.019±0.001ABb 1284.65±39.02Aa 1307.56±64.90Aa 0.991 0.25~0.5 5.22±0.02Aa 0.020±0.001Ab 1286.19±9.32Ba 1285.89±2.21Ba 0.992 <0.25 5.01±0.03ABb 0.034±0.004Aa 1308.35±44.03Aa 1326.79±53.21Aa 0.991 注:不同小写字母和大写字母分别表示相同处理组中不同粒径赤泥团聚体细菌Alpha多样性指数和不同处理组间同一粒径赤泥团聚体细菌Alpha多样性指数存在显著差异 (P<0.05) 。 表 3 赤泥团聚体真菌群落多样性和丰富度指数
Table 3. The diversity and richness indices of fungal community in the aggregates of bauxite residue
处理组 粒径/mm 群落多样性 群落丰富度 Coverage Shannon Simpson Ace Chao1 R 1~2 0 0 0 0 0 0.5~1 0 0 0 0 0 0.25~0.5 0 0 0 0 0 <0.25 0 0 0 0 0 RA1 1~2 2.11±0.06Aa 0.20±0.02Aa 179.01±2.79Ba 184.35±4.80Ba 0.999 0.5~1 2.06±0.05Aa 0.23±0.01Ba 247.06±52.57Aa 237.08±35.68Aa 0.999 0.25~0.5 2.12±0.05Aa 0.21±0.02Aa 232.57±9.56ABa 212.03±16.97Aa 0.999 <0.25 1.98±0.03Aa 0.25±0.02Aa 250.64±2.35Aa 217.48±1.11Aa 0.999 RA2 1~2 2.23±0.15Aa 0.18±0.02Ab 219.28±15.60ABab 203.26±2.21Aa 0.999 0.5~1 2.05±0.09Aa 0.22±0.02Bab 179.40±8.00Ab 192.76±1.18Aa 0.999 0.25~0.5 1.95±0.03Ba 0.26±0.01Aa 251.39±3.11ABa 204.42±12.63Aa 0.999 <0.25 2.05±0.02Aa 0.23±0.00Aab 243.66±14.33Aa 201.47±3.66Aa 0.999 RA3 1~2 2.18±0.00Aa 0.17±0.01Ab 176.66±3.89Ba 176.70±6.70Ba 0.999 0.5~1 2.03±0.06Ab 0.23±0.01Ba 195.19±6.53Aa 199.20±5.96Aa 0.999 0.25~0.5 2.03±0.02ABb 0.24±0.01Aa 224.36±4.95Ba 218.23±1.83Aa 0.999 <0.25 2.00±0.01Ab 0.23±0.01Aa 202.44±29.16Aa 182.06±20.50Aa 0.999 RA4 1~2 2.03±0.17Aa 0.23±0.05Aa 234.14±19.16Aa 215.42±2.51Aa 0.999 0.5~1 1.86±0.03Aa 0.30±0.01Aa 208.98±19.10Aa 199.33±1.93Aa 0.999 0.25~0.5 1.97±0.03ABa 0.26±0.01Aa 278.17±24.44Aa 222.45±10.86Aa 0.999 <0.25 1.95±0.06Aa 0.28±0.03Aa 233.05±17.11Aa 214.49±16.01Aa 0.999 注:不同小写字母和大写字母分别表示相同处理组中不同粒径赤泥团聚体真菌Alpha多样性指数和不同处理组间同一粒径赤泥团聚体真菌Alpha多样性指数存在显著差异 (P<0.05) 。 -
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