传统的粉尘处置方式分为湿法和火法工艺两种,湿法工艺是通过酸法或碱法制备浸出液,回收浸出液中的锌[11];火法工艺是利用锌沸点低且高温易挥发的性质,通过还原使粉尘中的锌再富集回收[12]。但含锌粉尘质量远比不上传统炼锌原料,故提锌价值有限且两种处理工艺都存在缺点。水泥窑协同处置技术因具有处置对象广、处置规模大、成本低、无次生危废等优势,被认为是一种高效处理固体废弃物的工艺方法[13]。回转窑内温度可高达1 600 ℃,物料在其中停留30 min,可以有效地焚烧固体废弃物[14-16]。由于我国对水泥、混凝土等基础型建筑材料需求巨大,水泥窑协同处置技术有很好的发展前景。目前,水泥窑协同处置含重金属的废弃物已经被广泛研究[17-19]。NAVARRO等[20]对普通硅酸盐水泥固化Zn和Cu进行了探索,发现Zn2+和Cu2+可被稳定的固化在水泥中。LIU等[21]发现,Cr、Cu、Zn主要以金属硅酸盐的形式加入熟料中。孙胜龙等[22]通过在水泥中单独掺加化学试剂和混合掺加化学试剂重金属元素,发现熟料试样在水化28 d时,各种重金属的浸出量低于工业固体废物浸出毒性鉴别标准规定的限值,不存在二次污染问题。
Effect of cement kiln co-processing of Zinc-containing powders on clinker performance and leaching
摘要: 利用水泥窑协同处置技术对含锌粉尘进行了处置。通过掺入不同量的含锌粉尘煅烧成水泥熟料,探讨含锌粉尘中重金属离子对水泥熟料性能和环境安全性的影响。结果表明,含锌粉尘中的Zn离子可以被有效固化在水泥熟料中,固化率最高可达98.11%;Zn离子在水泥净浆中的浸出浓度低于工业固体废弃物浸出毒性鉴别标准的规定限值,故水泥熟料固化的危险废物在使用中不会对环境造成二次污染。此外,含锌粉尘的加入降低了f-Cao的质量分数,改善了水泥生料的易烧性;在熟料中,各矿物相对重金属元素的固化存在选择性,Zn离子在中间相中的固化率至少为73.04%,远高于其在硅酸盐相中的固化率;同时,背散射图像也表明,Zn离子主要存在于中间相。以上研究结果可为水泥窑协同处置含锌粉尘提供参考。Abstract: An experimental study to handle Zinc-containing powders by cement kiln technology was presented in the paper. Cement clinker was produced with raw meal after adding various amount of Zinc-containing powders; the effect of heavy metal ions confined in Zinc-containing powders on the properties of clinker, and its impact on environment, were then discussed. The results shoued that about 98.11% Zn ions in Zn-contained powders could be solidified into clinker minerals; the concentration of Zn ions leached in cement paste was lower than the requirements as specified in the Standard i.e., hazardous elements as solidified in cement clinker will not lead to secondary pollution to the environment. The addition of Zinc-containing powders reduced the mass fraction of f-Cao and improved the burnability of the cement raw meal. Heavy metal elements could be solidified in various degrees into different minerals. Zn ions solidification rate in the mesophase was greater than 73.04%, which was much higher than the rate in the silicate phase. This study can provide a reference for the co-processing of Zinc-containing powders in cement kilns.
Key words:
- zinc-containing powders /
- cement clinker /
- heavy metals /
- solidification /
- leaching
表 1 生料的化学组成
Table 1. Chemical compositions of cement raw material
% CaO SiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 MgO K2O P2O5 Na2O 42.75 13.96 2.35 3.33 0.97 0.89 0.75 0.66 表 2 含锌粉尘化学组成
Table 2. Contents of chemical components in Zinc-containing powders
% ZnO Fe2O3 Na2O CaO SiO2 F Cl MgO Al2O3 28.49 22.09 16.24 8.94 6.13 3.14 3.14 2.06 1.74 表 3 Zn离子在水泥熟料中的固化率
Table 3. Solidification rate of Zn ions in cement clinker
样品编号 含锌粉尘掺量/% Zn离子质量分数/(mg·kg−1) 固化率/% 混合物中 熟料中 Z1 2.0 5 155.45 6 247.58 76.95 Z2 4.0 6 178.89 7 783.14 79.99 Z3 6.0 12 463.09 17 841.35 90.90 Z4 8.0 16 116.91 24 901.39 98.11 Z5 10.0 19 770.73 25 130.50 80.71 表 4 中间相和硅酸盐相的质量分数
Table 4. Mass fraction of interstitial phase and silicate phase
样品编号 含锌粉尘掺量/% Zn的质量/g Zn的质量分数/% 熟料 中间相 硅酸盐相 中间相 硅酸盐相 R-I 0 2.009 0.416 - 20.71 - R-S 0 3.014 - 2.375 - 78.79 Z1-I 2.0 2.019 0.428 - 21.20 - Z2-I 4.0 2.014 0.434 - 21.55 - Z3-I 6.0 2.016 0.419 - 20.78 - Z4-I 8.0 2.018 0.439 - 21.75 - Z5-I 10.0 2.015 0.425 - 21.09 - Z1-S 2.0 3.016 - 2.334 - 77.39 Z2-S 4.0 3.014 - 2.337 - 77.54 Z3-S 6.0 3.017 - 2.361 - 78.26 Z4-S 8.0 3.020 - 2.339 77.46 Z5-S 10.0 3.019 - 2.342 - 77.58 注:样品编号中,R为空白组、Z为掺加含锌粉尘的样品组、I为中间相、S为硅酸盐相 表 5 中间相和硅酸盐相中Zn离子的固化率
Table 5. Content of Zn ions in different phases of clinker
掺量/%Zn离子固化质量分数/ (mg·kg−1) 相对固化率/% 中间相 硅酸盐相 熟料 中间相 硅酸盐相 Z1 2.0 21 953.88 2 045.37 6 247.58 74.50 25.34 Z2 4.0 26 378.89 2 526.14 7 783.14 73.04 25.17 Z3 6.0 67 441.98 4 525.63 17 841.35 78.55 19.85 Z4 8.0 85 692.36 7 936.47 24 901.39 74.85 24.69 Z5 10.0 88 502.11 8 246.33 25 130.50 74.27 25.45 -
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