云南省昆明市某制药厂废水处理系统中,进水耗氧有机污染物(以COD计)和悬浮物浓度高,而氮磷浓度极低,进水营养物质含量比例达不到常规微生物生长需求,COD∶N∶P仅为100∶0.4∶0.07。然而系统长期运行状况表明,在氮磷营养贫乏的条件下,该系统运行稳定,污水处理效果良好,出水水质均达到了国家《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)的一级标准。为此,本研究对该贫营养废水处理系统中关键环节的污染物降解情况进行了监测,并对其活性污泥中微生物进行了高通量测序分析。本研究旨在从系统运行及污泥微生物的角度解释该制药厂贫营养废水处理系统长期稳定运行的原因,为营养不均衡的高浓度有机废水的处理及系统维护提供有益指导。
Cause analysis of the stability of a Chinese medicine wastewater treatment system with deficient nutrition
摘要: 云南某制药厂生产废水有机物浓度高、氮磷含量低(贫营养),但废水处理系统长期运行稳定,且处理效果好,COD和BOD的去除率均能达到90%以上。为揭示该贫营养污水处理系统长期高效稳定运行原因,分别从工艺运行和微生物学角度对该系统进行了全面分析。结果表明,该系统厌氧和好氧段氮磷含量低,TN、TP的质量浓度分别为9.68 mg·L−1、1.17 mg·L−1和6.18 mg·L−1、0.25 mg·L−1;该系统好氧池和厌氧池中均发现了以降解有机物为主的优势菌属,好氧池比厌氧池具有更高的微生物丰富度和多样性。好氧池中主要菌属为Amaricoccus、Methylibium、Reyranella和Plasticicumulans4种。其中,丰度最高的Amaricoccus占比为8.03%,该菌属能在氮、磷营养受限的环境中增殖。厌氧池中的优势菌属为Geobacter、Paludibacter、Leptolinea和Syntrophomonas。其中,占比2.49%的Leptolinea为贫营养菌属。贫营养环境条件对微生物群落的生长施加了选择压,促进了贫营养菌的优势增长。这些优势菌在废水处理系统降解污染物的各个阶段分工合作,保障了该系统的稳定运行和良好的处理效果。Abstract: The wastewater discharged from a pharmaceutical factory in Yunnan Province is characterized by high organic concentration and extremely low nitrogen and phosphorus content (deficient nutrition). However, the wastewater treatment system has stably run for the long-term with over 90% of COD and BOD removal. In order to elucidate the mechanisms behind, a comprehensive investigation of the system was conducted from both the operational and microbiological aspects. The results showed that the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in the anaerobic and aerobic phases were very low, and the corresponding TN and TP concentrations were 9.68 mg·L−1, 1.17 mg·L−1 and 6.18 mg·L−1,0.25 mg·L−1, respectively. The microbial colonies in the aerobic phase presented a higher richness and diversity than those in the anaerobic phase, and the dominant genera in both phases were highly efficient organics-degrading ones. In aerobic phases, the dominant bacteria were Amaricoccus, Methylibium, Reyranella and Plasticicumulans, of which Amaricoccus was the most abundant genus with 8.03% of richness, and could grow in nitrogen and phosphorus deficient environment. In anaerobic phases, the dominant bacteria were Geobacter, Paludibacter, Leptolinea and Syntrophomonas, of which Leptolinea was a type of nutrient-deficiency tolerant species with 2.49% of richness. The nutrient-deficient wastewater environment exerted selective pressure for the microbial colonies, and promoted the dominance of low nutrient demanding bacteria. These dominant bacteria cooperated at each stages of the system to degrade pollutants, which guaranteed high removal efficiency and long-term stability of the system.
表 1 中药废水处理系统出水指标监测结果
Table 1. Status of the effluent from the Chinese medicine wastewater treatment system
检测单元 pH 其他水质参数浓度/(mg·L−1) 溶解氧 SS COD BOD5 氨氮 TN TP 阴离子表面活性剂 调节池 9.05 1.01 47.00 1296.67 931.33 4.05 8.05 0.38 0.95 二沉池出水 7.46 3.67 13.00 81.33 12.67 0.47 2.33 0.12 0.03 去除率/% — — 72 94 99 88 71 68 97 表 2 好氧池、厌氧池的微生物群落丰富度和多样性指数
Table 2. Richness and diversity indexes of microbial community in the aerobic tank and anaerobic tank
检测单元 OTUs Chao ACE Shannon Simpson 覆盖率/% 好氧池 253 259.2432 262.2059 6.4124 0.9751 99.53 厌氧池 78 78.3333 78.5846 3.9206 0.8622 99.96 -
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