Application case of ReCoMag technology in the polluted urban rivers control
摘要: 超磁分离即在污水中投加磁性物质,使不带磁性的污染物被赋予磁性,再通过磁性设备实现固液分离,达到水体净化的目的。分析超磁分离净化技术的原理、技术优势等,确立基本工艺路线,梳理该技术在黑臭水体治理各环节的应用工程。通过汇总因地制宜的案例经验,总结了该技术存在的优势及不足:处理效率高、占地面积小、施工周期短、运行维护简单等优点,以及出水可生化性差、某些水质指标去除能力有限等不足。相关案例可为超磁分离技术水污染控制工程中的应用提供参考。Abstract: ReCoMag technology is a water quality purification technology, and the principle is: by adding magnetic substances in sewage, non-magnetic pollutants becomes magnetic. Through ReCoMag separation equipment, the solid pollutant will be separated from the liquid one. The magnetic substances take away the pollutants from the water, and so the purification is achieved. Through analyzing the principles and technological strengths about ReCoMag technology, the author of this article wants to explore the application of this technology in the polluted urban rivers control and to set the basic rules of the technology. Through analyzing the whole process of application of ReCoMag technology in polluted urban rivers control, the author collects case studies of different areas and shows the advantages and disadvantages of this technology. The advantages of this technology are high efficiency, less land occupying, shorter construction period, easier maintenance, while the disadvantages are poorer biodegradability of effluent, inefficiency of purification in certain indicators such as Ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, dissolved organic matter, etc. This article lists cases for the application of ReCoMag technology in the polluted urban rivers control and exploits new technology in polluted water containment.
Key words:
- ReCoMag technology /
- the polluted urban rivers /
- water quality improvement /
- case study
表 1 乔司永玄路站点进、出水水质的月均值
Table 1. Influent and effluent quality of the Josi Yongxuan Road station mg·L−1
项目 COD SS TP NH3-N 进水 200 218 4.6 60 出水 55 10 0.5 7 -
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