我国餐饮业持续稳步增长,近十年平均增速超过10%[1]。餐饮业排放的油烟也成为重要的大气污染物,主要包含颗粒状油烟和以非甲烷总烃为主的气态污染物[2]。2015年,全国城镇排放油烟约2.45×105 t,占城镇生活烟(粉)尘总量的9.8%;排放非甲烷总烃约4.78×105 t,占全国VOCs排放总量的1.59%[3]。其中,颗粒状油烟中PM2.5质量浓度占PM10的 80%以上[4-5]。源解析表明,2018年餐饮业大气污染物排放对北京PM2.5 的贡献率达4%[6]。餐饮大气污染源点位多、污染物排放高度低、成分复杂而且大多分布在人群密集区域,而长期暴露于油烟环境会伤害人体呼吸和心血管系统[7-8]。因此,餐饮油烟污染与控制受到广泛关注。
净化颗粒状油烟的方法主要包括机械分离法、液体洗涤法、催化氧化法和静电分离法等[9-11]。机械分离法借助惯性碰撞和离心作用等机械作用力实现油烟分离,总净化效率为60%~70%[12-13];液体洗涤法是借助油烟与洗涤液接触使油烟从气相进入液相,对于2 μm以上油烟具有较高净化效率[14];催化氧化法是先将油烟温度加热至催化起燃温度以上,再借助催化剂的促进作用使油烟中的有机组分氧化成CO2和H2O等无害或低害物,其能耗较高;静电分离法是借助高压电场使油烟荷电并作定向迁移运动,最终被捕集到集尘板表面。静电分离法具有风阻小、设备简单、净化效率高等特点,是餐饮油烟净化的主流技术。然而,迄今为止,对于静电分离法处理油烟净化效率的关键影响因素及影响规律尚缺乏清晰认识,导致实践中只能以串联尽可能多的净化模块数,来应对不断提高的排放控制要求,从而造成净化系统的投资和运行费用偏高,占地面积偏大,运行维护工作量也增大。
Effects of electrode matching and operation condition on the oil fume removal by electrostatic technology
摘要: 以有机气溶胶发生器产生的0.02~2.02 μm癸二酸二辛酯颗粒模拟餐饮业排出的油烟PM2.5组分,利用静电低压撞击器颗粒物检测仪测定各粒径范围的颗粒个数和质量浓度,并系统研究了电极配置、电场风速和供电电压等因素对静电油烟净化效率的影响。结果表明:油烟荷电量以及荷电颗粒迁移距离是影响净化效率的关键因素,优化电极配置的增效作用明显;提高荷电区电离电压对油烟净化的增效作用大于提高收尘区电压;0.13~0.23 μm粒径范围的油烟最难去除,其分级净化效率直接影响总净化效率;降低电场风速或增加串联模块数可增大油烟在电场的停留时间,继而提高净化效率。工程设计中,可根据安装空间和处理气量波动等实际情况,合理匹配串联模块数和电场风速,提高效益费用比。Abstract: The performance of oil fume removal by electrostatic precipitation and the effects of electrode matching, electric field wind velocity, ionization and collection voltages on the removal efficiency are systematically investigated in this study. Dioctyl sebacate (DOS) aerosol in the range of 0.02~2.02 μm produced by an aerosol generator is used to simulate the oil fume. The number and mass concentration of particles are measured by an Electrical Low-Pressure Impactor plus (ELPI+) particle detector. Results show that the charging amount and migration distance of oil fume are the key factors affecting purification efficiency. Optimizing electrode matching significantly increases the purification efficiency. The purification efficiency is better enhanced by increasing ionization voltage in the charging zone than increasing collecting voltage in the collection zone. It is difficult to remove particles of 0.13~0.23 μm in diameter in the oil fume and its graded purification efficiency greatly affects the overall purification efficiency. The decrease in wind velocity of the electric field or increase in the number of modules in series can increase the residence time of oil fume in the electric field and thus improve the purification efficiency. The benefit-cost ratio of applying the oil fume purification system can be enhanced by scientifically matching the electric field wind velocity and the number of modules according to the allowed construction space and the flue gas fluctuation.
表 1 净化模块的电极配置及结构尺寸
Table 1. Electrode matching and structure size of purification modules
模块形式 电极配置 荷电区 收尘区 通道
间距/mm长度/mm 通道
间距/mm长度/mm 单区 齿-板 4 12 23.5 300 4 23.5 与荷电区共用 双区长电离短收尘 齿-板荷电+板-板收尘 4 8 23.5 165 8 9.5 135 双区短电离长收尘 齿-板荷电+板-板收尘 4 4 23.5 82.5 8 9.5 217.5 表 2 不同模块数和电场风速条件下电场停留时间与净化效率的关系
Table 2. Effects of electric field residence time on purification efficiency under different module numbers and wind velocities
(m·s−1)18 90 0.17 2 3.5 20 90 0.16 3 4.5 18 90 0.2 3 4.5 20 90 0.17 2 3.5 18 90 0.22 4 5.5 20 90 0.2 3 4.5 18 90 0.24 2 2.5 20 90 0.22 4 5.5 18 90 0.26 3 3.5 20 90 0.24 2 2.5 18 90 0.27 4 4.5 20 90 0.26 3 3.5 18 90 0.34 4 3.5 20 90 0.27 4 4.5 18 90 0.36 3 2.5 20 90 0.34 4 3.5 18 90 0.48 4 2.5 20 90 0.36 3 2.5 18 95 0.22 4 5.5 20 90 0.48 4 2.5 18 95 0.24 2 2.5 20 95 0.22 4 5.5 18 95 0.26 3 3.5 20 95 0.24 2 2.5 18 95 0.27 4 4.5 20 95 0.26 3 3.5 18 95 0.34 4 3.5 20 95 0.27 4 4.5 18 95 0.36 3 2.5 20 95 0.34 4 3.5 18 95 0.48 4 2.5 20 95 0.36 3 2.5 20 90 0.12 1 2.5 20 95 0.48 4 2.5 20 90 0.13 2 3.5 表 3 收尘区供电电压对净化效率的影响
Table 3. Effects of collecting voltage on purification efficiency
电离电压/kV 模块数量/个 收尘电压/kV 净化效率/% 电离电压/kV 模块数量/个 收尘电压/kV 净化效率/% 16 2 7 86.63 18 3 9 96.17 16 2 8 88.45 18 4 7 99.64 16 2 9 89.73 18 4 8 99.77 16 3 7 90.98 18 4 9 99.85 16 3 8 92.11 20 2 7 94.20 16 3 9 93.39 20 2 8 94.71 16 4 7 98.63 20 2 9 94.63 16 4 8 98.98 20 3 7 97.50 16 4 9 99.22 20 3 8 97.56 18 2 7 91.94 20 3 9 97.71 18 2 8 92.29 20 4 7 99.91 18 2 9 92.30 20 4 8 99.94 18 3 7 95.70 20 4 9 99.96 18 3 8 96.01 -
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